Indoor Environmental Specialists
Welcome to Environmental Diagnostics Corporation (EDC). Managing indoor environments is easier with the proper documentation from experienced professionals. Our highly commended proactive, reactive, and mold assessments, cutting edge sampling methods, and interpretative tools make EDC a leader in the industry.

What are some analogous descriptions of microbiological odors? Pleasant: fruity, earthy

Unpleasant: musty, mildew-like, old paper, oily, grassy, dirty socks, locker rooms, old cheese

How do mold and bacteria cause odors? As mold and bacteria metabolize they can produce mycotoxins, endotoxins, and microbial volatile organic chemicals (MVOC). The human odor threshold for such bioaerosols is 1 ppm and lower. Odor characteristics of MVOCs range from "earthy, musty and mushroom-like" to "sweet and ester metalic-like". Odors considered characteristic of certain microorganisms can change or be obscured when the organisms producing them are growing in association with other organisms, on varied substrates, or under different moisture or temperature conditions.

The minimal amount of microbial growth needed to generate detectable odor concentrations is unknown nor is it possible to use odor intensity to indicate the degree of indoor microbial growth.



How are odors controlled? Prevention and remediation of the sources and causes of odors is a critical first step.

EDC can provide guidance regarding odor reducing carbon, zeolite, and potassium permanganate. Our detailed guidance on air filters, professionally applied ozone gas, and other methods of odor remediation can be obtained when EDC services are requested.

Pollutant pathways and building pressurization can affect distribution of odors.

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Environmental Diagnostics Corp.2013